Why You Should Practice Reiki?
Reiki is another good tool for stress management. I was suffering from financial anxiety for sometime. I was thinking various options for stress relief. I met with Christina Galvez and ask is reiki good for stress.
In response I received my first Reiki treatment.
I was so excited with the result that I took complete training and after a regular practice I became a Reiki healer.
I started using Reiki treatment for various treatments report relief of symptoms from numerous health challenges, including mental health issues. I use Eiki in hospitals for cancer patients for the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as relief of chronic pain.
Here is a video on Reiki Video Session
What Is Reiki?
Reiki was developed by Mikao Usui in Japan, a Japanese Buddhist that was a very proficient hands-on healer. Although this is considered an oriental medicine, any person that is attenuated by a Reiki Master with the symbols can tap into the same power to heal. Understanding that healing is about entering into a state of perfect equilibrium, the energy that flows from your hands simply brings balance back to a person. Since energy and matter, as proven by science, are intricately connected, by manipulating the energy flow within people, you can also affect a physical change.
Two Types Of Reiki
There are actually two types of Reiki that are commonly practiced. One is called traditional Japanese Reiki. The other is referred to as Western Reiki. The primary difference between the two is that traditional Reiki is more intuitive, where the healer will place his or her hands in locations where they believe the energy needs to flow. Western Reiki relies upon a very systematic way of placing your hands on a person's body in order to effect a change.
Reiki Symbols Revealed - How the Use of Reiki Symbols Can Transform Your Life
Reiki symbols are used to compliment the practice of Reiki. These symbols are believed to help you achieve a higher state of awareness, thus opening your mind and enhancing the flow of what is known as Life Force Energy, which serves as a door opener to this desired raising of consciousness. One way the practitioners or Reiki use them is to show them to you before beginning the session in order to implant the image in the mind. Then, by meditating on the symbols, you will empower them to help achieve their intended purpose. See the video on how Reiki symbols work
Why Reiki Works?
The reason that Reiki is able to help people heal is because it is able to tap into what is called Ki. This is also called Chi in China, and has many other names in culture's worldwide. In essence, you're tapping into the spirit of the universe, the energy from which all things have originated. By doing so, you are able to remove yourself from the situation, and allow the internal dialogue, or your perception of the world, to pause just long enough to allow the energy to flow through you. By doing so, you will be able to access the healing energies of the universe and the Reiki symbols can help you achieve this. As a result of becoming attenuated by a Reiki Master using the symbols at all three levels, you will have a higher chance of becoming a more proficient healer.
Does Reiki Work For Everyone?
The answer to this question is both yes and no. It does work for everyone, but depending upon the situation, it may not. We can only try our best to give people the best possible chance to recover from their illness, or injuries they have sustained, yet that does not mean that Reiki does not work if what you attempt to do fails.
I am Alfred and my wife Sema provide free Reiki healing in Milimani area, Nairobi.
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